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6 Watch January

 I have been in the watch hobby for several years now, which has resulted in me accumulating a fair number of watches. The watches always tend to be easier to add to the collection than to leave from the collection. Once there's over twenty to choose from, I tend to fall into a sort of choice paralysis and have a hard time deciding what to slap on my wrist. At the start of the new year I decided that I should try to limit that choice paralysis a bit. The thought of trying to wear just a single watch for the whole month did cross my mind, but I didn't feel like I could actually do it. I mean, there are just certain situations where I wound't want to wear certain watches. In order to limit myself but also have a little bit of freedom, I decided to do six watch January. Why six watches? Well, it was going to be five, but my watch box has six slots. So of course it had to be six, right? So what did I choose.. 1. Baltany california dial 45mm Panerai look-alike I got this watch f

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